Legal information

  • Internet address :
  • Company name : KEOPS Automation
  • Postal address of head office : Bâtiment Accueil, Espace Performance, 2B Avenue du Professeur Jean Rouxel, 44481 Carquefou
  • Telephone number : +33 2 28 23 25 55
  • SIREN NUMBER : 444 757 918
  • Website publisher : KEOPS Automation
  • Publication Director : KEOPS Automation
  • Editorial manager : KEOPS Automation
  • Site design and production : IMAGES CREATIONS, 67 Rue Nicolas Appert, 44100 Nantes.
  • Hosting : ASTORYA, 9 rue du petit Chatelier, 44300 Nantes.

Any notification made pursuant to article 6.I-5 (last indent) of the law of 21 June 2004 (law n°2004-575) must be sent by recorded delivery with acknowledgement of receipt to the above-mentioned Website host.


On 25 May 2018, the new European General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (RGPD) came into force. When you fill in a form on the site, any information collected about you may be processed electronically. This data enables us to contact you and send you occasional information emails.

This data is sent exclusively to the site teams and is not passed on to third parties. The data is kept for three to five years, depending on the nature of your request or contact, and until you unsubscribe.

In accordance with current legislation, you have the right to access, rectify, port, delete or limit the processing of your personal data. You may object to the processing of your personal data, lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to

Like the vast majority of websites, cookies are used on the site. They are used to optimise the user experience but may also be used as part of one-off remarketing campaigns. They are kept for a maximum of 12 months. You have the option of refusing their use when you first access a page on our site by means of an information banner. You can also refuse their use at any time using your browser’s settings options.